
Intelligent Mail Barcode, Postal Verification, Mail Tracking & Destination Delivery

The Postal Service has spent billions of dollars and years of effort creating an extremely valuable resource for mailers called the Intelligent Mail Barcode. It is a piece of an integrated system that begins with address uniformity and cleansing and ends with a clear picture of the mail as it moves through the mail stream.

The IMb is a barcode made up of 32 positions and 4 bar configurations that contain a host of information that, when used properly, gives the mail owner a great array of information about where the mail is, when it is getting in-home and how to link the physical mail to delivery of complementary messages delivered through other channels, such as email, social media and SMS messaging. As the mail travels through postal system the IMb is scanned by sorting equipment and the bits and bytes represented by the barcode are retained, time stamped and the information is returned to us. The entire chain of custody of the mail is maintained and recorded and available for reporting to the mail owner.

At Century, our mail is accepted in plant and we perform destination delivery services for our clients. In other words, we present the mail to the Postal Service in our plant, provide an electronic file which completely defines the mail included in a particular job, pay the postage at a significantly discounted rate and then truck the mail nationally to the closest point to where it will ultimately be delivered. We save time and money doing this but the real upside is control. Once we deliver the mail to the destination facility, we know with certainty when that mail will be presented to the recipient so we can report to the mail owner that the marketing or communications mission is accomplished. Other electronic messaging or outbound telephonic efforts can be coordinated with the physical delivery of mail with a very positive result.


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